3 Ways to Manage Emotional Investing

Published by Jessica Golson This deep into one of the longest bull markets in recorded history, some investors are beginning to ask how much longer this will last and what should they do. Well, I’m not going to answer that question or make market predictions, but I will go over an essential …

Medicare 101: What You Need to Know

An often overlooked aspect of financial planning is considering health insurance options. Health care costs continue to rise, and as you grow older the likelihood you’ll need those services increases.

Fallout from Equifax Breach

143 million American consumers were affected by the data breach at Equifax, one of the nation’s three major credit reporting agencies.

Financial Advice I Share with My Children

Published by Shayla Kriha Are you a saver or someone who spends money? Did your parents teach you how to save? Maybe they didn’t talk about money or finances because they felt like it was an adult conversation, not something to burden you with growing up. The reality is that parents a …

Eclipse Planning

Published by Mark Petersen and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee One in 256,481,280. No, I am not calculating the odds of winning the Powerball Lottery. This is the number of 50 square foot sections to view Totality for the 2017 Solar Eclipse in the state of Nebraska. So many c …

Why I Became a Financial Advisor

Published by Ron Carson People often ask me why I became a financial advisor and fiduciary. My answer usually surprises them. I grew up on a farm in Nebraska—but when I was a teen, my dad impressed on me that there wasn’t much future in running a farm. “You’re going to have to find somethin …

Fees or Foes

Published by Scott Kubie Recently, a fee-only financial advisor mentioned to me that more clients are proposing to manage more of their own assets and invest in the “S&P 500.” For most who go down this path, this move will likely end badly. These investors, while seeking to avoid wealth …

How to Avoid the Top 3 Financial Fears in Retirement

You’ve worked hard for your money and during your retirement years, you want to have confidence that you can enjoy it. However, many retirees have common concerns as they move from asset accumulation to asset preservation. “Am I spending too much?” “Have I set aside enough for long-term car …

What is goals-based planning?

The first step to goals-based planning is to sit back, relax and day-dream. Or, break out a bottle of wine and sit with your partner and just talk about what you see your life looking like in the future. Ask yourself, “What is it that I really want?”

Teaching Your Kids About History

Published by Paul West Do you remember when your parents forced you to do something you didn’t want to do? Go to a museum; take a long Sunday drive to see where they grew up; etc. It seemed painful then; however, if you could have the chance, wouldn’t you not blink an eye if asked …

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